Do you know the atmosphere contains large amounts of water in the form of vapour and almost 30% of that water is wasted.
We here at RGJ Power Ltd. thought of how we could capture this wasted water at a low cost and started developing our RGJ Atmospheric Water Generator (RGJ AWG).
RGJ AWG Model 3
After a sucessful test of RGJ AWG model 1 we upgraded and created model 2 with achieved better than expected results from test runs.
We are now ready to take the next step and build a fully autonomous, scalable Atmospheric Water Generator to provide potable or non-potable water night and day.
With future funding we can finish the final design, sensors, automated systems, filtration, solar module and battery
If you are as excited about this project as we are, please donate thru our PayPal link on the right.
Thank You